Film critics unleashed overwhelmingly positive reviews on Tuesday of "Avengers: Endgame," the highly anticipated final installment in a decade-long superhero story from Walt Disney Co's Marvel Studios.
A musical depicting the love story between singer Gloria Estefan, the Cuban-American pop star, and her music producer husband Emilio, opens in London in June.
A May 23, 2018, story headlined, “Ukraine paid Trump lawyer Cohen to arrange White House talks -BBC,” is being withdrawn after the BBC said its report was incorrect.
Michael Cohen, a once-loyal "fixer" for U.S. President Donald Trump who has turned against his former boss, said on Tuesday he was keen to tell his story of Trump's business and personal dealings in a public hearing in Congress on Wednesday.
A Reuters reporter on trial in Myanmar said the police questioning after he and a colleague were arrested in December centered on their reporting of a massacre of Rohingya Muslims, not on secret state documents they are accused of obtaining.